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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Jersey School Stages Practice Hostage Drill – Portrays Killers as Fundamentalist Christians


On Thursday, March 22, officials at Burlington Township High School enlisted the help of two local policemen to carry out a mock ‘hostage situation’ drill at their school. The drill invoked disapproval from Christian students as the student body was told that the alleged gunmen were “members of a right-wing fundamentalist group called the 'New Crusaders' who don't believe in separation of church and state.”

According to a report in the local paper, The Burlington County Times, the mock gunmen pretended to gun down several students in the hallways before taking 10 students hostage in the school’s media center. Given that the drill was intended to test the disaster response of students, faculty and local emergency personnel, county officers were dispatched during the drill to realistically execute an emergency evacuation of the building.

The drill organizers explained that the supposedly Christian gunmen “went to the school seeking justice because the daughter of one had been expelled for praying before class.”

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It is a practice in Christian charity to not use the words that I want to use over this as they are not appropriate to this blog (or at any other time really).

Later in the article Bob Pawson, National Coordinator of the Scriptures in School Project, points out a flashing sign of bigotry explaining that, "It is perfectly legal for any student or staff member to pray in a public school. They know that no student can ever be expelled for praying before class. Hence, the contrived reason for the mock attack is bogus".

This is nothing more than a liberal left-wing attempt to slander the Christian right. It is scandelous and an outrage.

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