Comic book heroine Batwoman is to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter, a DC Comics spokesman has confirmed. Read Entire Article
Are you kidding me? What happened to superheroes with moral fiber?
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Comic book heroine Batwoman is to make a comeback as a "lipstick lesbian" who moonlights as a crime fighter, a DC Comics spokesman has confirmed. Read Entire Article
Check out these reader comments:The ethical storm over abortions has been renewed as it emerged that terminations are being carried out for minor, treatable birth defects.
Late terminations have been performed in recent years because the babies had club feet, official figures show.
Babies are being aborted with only minor defects.
Other babies were destroyed because they had webbed fingers or extra digits. Read Entire Article
There appears to be a complete abuse of the legally permitted abortion. Now that the morning after pill is so readily available to counter "accidents", I consider abortion should only be permitted in the following circumstances:
1. Where it is very likely that the fetus could not develop into a self sustaining adult in society.
2. Where it is likely that the life of the mother would be endangered if the pregnancy continued to birth.
3. Where pregnancy is the result of rape.
4. Where the pregnant female would be under 14 at the due birth date.
Common sense tells us that it's morally unacceptable to terminate a pregnancy due to such minor problems, it could soon gravitate to other conditions such as minor learning difficulties etc. However with the genetic tools now at our disposal it seems foolish to NOT screen for genetic cancers and other life threatening diseases, surely this is just part of our evolution?Do these people not realize that its the use of these types of arguemtns for the rationalization of abortion that leads to things like clubbed feet and extra toes being rationalized as acceptable reasons for abortion?
Nearly all of us exist because our parents, a man and a woman, sexual union. I believe therefore that the couple, or the woman, has the right to terminate the pregnancy if both, or the woman, wishes to do so.?????????? Some people.........At least she knows that parents typically are a man and a woman. But I guess having sex entitles you to kill people?
The fledgling congregation gathered in a circle at Sunday Mass at Spartan Memorial Chapel to introduce themselves. A woman in a long, white robe spoke first.
``My name is Victoria Rue,'' she said. ``And I am a Roman Catholic woman priest.''
Rue belongs to a renegade movement that is ordaining women as Catholic priests, in defiance of the Vatican. Today, Rue celebrates Mass at the non-denominational chapel at San Jose State University.
Joining her at the altar on Sundays -- also in clerical robes -- have been a married man, his wife and another woman. The ceremonies prompted the Diocese of San Jose this month to warn Catholics that the sacraments there would be invalid.
It's a prickly issue more Catholic dioceses will face as increasing numbers of women join the ordination movement.
``God has called me,'' said Juanita Cordero, a Los Gatos woman who will soon be ordained as a deacon and aims to be a priest by 2007. ``Growing up it was never a possibility because it was always for men.''Read Entire Article
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Cruxifiction is a resource for students, teachers, researchers, and anyone interested in the history of Catholicism in the United States. Its purpose is to promote deeper and wider understanding of the place of Catholics and the Catholic Church in the history of the American nation.
The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism, especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism. CCC 676St. Augustine interpreted the reference to a "thousand years" found in the Revelations as a metaphor of the Church age. The Church has yest to make a formal statement what the Millennium is or was. However the Church does say this:
Before his Ascension Christ affirmed that the hour had not yet come for the glorious establishment of the messianic kingdom awaited by Israel which, according to the prophets, was to bring all men the definitive order of justice, love, and peace. According to the Lord, the present time is the time of the Spirit and of witness, but also a time still marked by "distress" and the trial of evil which does not space the Church and ushers in the struggles of the last days. It is a time of waiting and watching. CCC 672One explanation is that the present day Church is the "Church between times". We are between the times of Christ's First and Second Comings, the "Church Age". We are in the end times that began with Christ coming to Earth as Man and will end with his Second Coming.
When the pope or official Catholic teaching differs from one's own conscience, the conscience should be the guide, said 72 percent of Catholics surveyed, with just 18 percent saying the pope must be obeyed.Read Entire ArticleForgive me for bringing back a year old article, but the above quote highlights something I've been thinking about a lot lately. Its very disheartening to hear and read all the rumblings coming from people who call themselves Catholics, yet insist on raging against the teaching of the Catholic Church and calling for change. To name a few examples; abortion, homosexuality, artificial birth control, female priest, etc.
It is frequently said today that the "body" to which St. Paul refers is the community, which is the body of Christ. Thus one bishop writes that when the priest or lay minister distributes the host with the words "The body of Christ," he should exchange a "deeply meaningful look" with the communicant so that it is understood that the words mean "You are the body of Christ." This is a fundamental shift in Catholic piety and sacramental practice. Of course the Church is the body of Christ, but she is that by virtue of the gift of Christ, as in the body of Christ in the Eucharist. I am not the body of Christ. I participate in the body of Christ by virtue of the gift that is given. In the Eucharist we are gathered not to celebrate our amazing selves and what we are doing but to be incorporated in thte myster of what Christ is doing. What Christ is doing and what we are doing are not to be seperated; they are, however, to be clearly distinguished. It is a question of emphasis, but not merely of emphasis. The emphasis is all.In a sense Fr. Neuhaus sums up my own thoughts. I don't really feel comfortable wth the "we are the bread of life, aren't we wonderful?" mentality. Yes we are each a member of the Body of Christ by virtue of being members of His Church which is the Body with Christ as its head and receiving th Eucharist. Christ is the Bread of Life and we participate in the Body of Christ by receiving Him in the Eucharist.
At Mass today, there was a young mother with her two children. The boy was maybe a year old and the girl was somewhere around four or five. I was reminded of when Christ said, "Let the children come to me and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." -Luke 18:16-17. Of course the mother had problems with the children making noise and generally doing what small children do. But that didn't matter. What did matter was that a young mother was taking the time to takl her children and go to Mass at noon on a Friday. I saw Jesus Christ in this young family today. I was inspired and led to hope that one day I will take my children to daily Mass. The world would be a much better place if more people attended daily Mass, it would be even greater if more people took their children. Not to say that I've attended very many weekday Masses. I hope that it will soon be part of my normal routine.
Am I writting a blank check on my soul? What if the Magisterium the solemn teaching office of the Church, get something wrong? May I even admit that question to my mind? By what criterion, by what measure, coudl I judge a teaching to be wrong? (p. 75)
Because I believe in Christ, I believe in his Church, I entrust myself to her. Christ thehead and the Church his body constitute the totus Christus, the total Christ. (p. 75)
Trust is risk, trust is faith. Not blind faith but faith with eyes wide open. Christ as true God and true man can, by definition, not betray my trust.(p. 76)