The U.S. bishops will vote on a proposed document, "Happy Are Those Who Are Called To His Supper: On Preparing To Receive Christ Worthily in the Eucharist" during their annual November meeting in Baltimore, Nov. 13-16.It will be interesting to see what comes of this. I think that the Church's teaching on the reception of the Eucharist needs to be highlighted much more. We need more priests and bishops like the one's I've found in the parish that I've been attending since my recent move.The document, addressed to all the faithful, points out that Catholics may not receive communion if they do not accept Church teaching on matters such as abortion and homosexuality. Catholics should refrain from Holy Communion, says the document, "when they lack adherence to what the Church authoritatively teaches on matters of faith and morals."
The document is designed to help Catholics properly prepare to receive Holy Communion. It is organized as a series of questions and answers, and explores topics such as what the Catholic Church believes about the Eucharist, who may receive Holy Communion, and how Catholics can prepare to receive the sacrament more worthily. Read Entire Article
I had a priest specifically ask me if I had received the Eucharist while in a state of sin during a recent visit to the confessional. There's no getting off the hook in this parish! Thankfully, I was able to tell him that no I had not received while being conscious of grave sin. It would be nice to see more priests and bishops step up with some tough spiritual directing.